Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pedaling to 10K

On my bicycle ride home this evening, I'll clock 10,000 miles on my cyclocomputer. It will be dark, so I took this picture at lunchtime. I believe at that point, this Cateye model will click back to zero...if I recall correctly. Usually the battery fails, or the odometer gets stolen, or maybe it breaks. Something usually spoils the milestone.

Some folks rack up this mileage in a few months. I accumulate mine in slow 20-mile chunks every day. No grand ambition to my pedaling, not trying to set a "personal best" or "outpace the competition." Just trying to get home. Sun or rain, heat or cold, windy or calm, just traveling between job and residence. Pretty unexceptional.

Hard to say how many 10K mileage increments I've traveled over my time as a bike commuter. Harder still to say how many more miles lay ahead in my future. But today I'll celebrate this modest accomplishment.

And probably get a new cyclocomputer. It's about time.