Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Connecticut: Not A Bike-Friendly State

Bicyclists in Connecticut
From the Hartford Courant, 03.18.07:
Not A Bike-Friendly State

Around the country, forward-looking public officials are working like mad to make their cities and states bike-friendly. In Chicago, Mayor Richard Daley is building hundreds of miles of bike trails. From Washington, D.C., to Washington state, officials are promoting biking.

But alas, not in Connecticut.

Yes, mostly volunteer efforts have resulted in a growing but still fragmented network of trails around the state. These trails could be more quickly sewn together if the state made biking and bike trails a priority. But the state Department of Transportation, reluctant as always to embrace any form of transportation besides the car, can't be bothered. (Read more.)
This is a positive editorial from Connecticut's leading daily newspaper, in support of a bill to provide funding to complete the state's section of the East Coast Greenway, an off-road trail being built from Maine to Florida.

Image: Ted Bowman. Bicyclists in Connecticut.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips

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