Friday, March 30, 2007

Seattle: Cyclists soon to get safer routes

Image of bicyclists in Seattle
From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 03.28.09:
Cyclists soon to get safer routes
10-year plan calls for more than 200 miles of designated lanes

Making bicyclists of all ages feel more secure in city traffic is a top goal of the city of Seattle, which will soon release the final draft of its Bicycle Master Plan for public comment.

At the heart of the 10-year strategy is a call to designate more than 200 miles of roadway as bike lanes, along with guidelines for safely sharing roads and trails with cars and pedestrians. While the city currently offers only 25 miles of designated bike lanes, the plan anticipates a huge increase in recreational and commuting bicyclists.

What excites Wayne Wentz, the city's director of traffic management, is that the plan was mandated by the people--as part of a $360 million property tax levy passed last fall--which means it comes with the funding to make it happen.

"It's about building a society where people want to get along and know what to expect," he said. (Read more.)
This is a great article from a couple days ago. (I've been negligent in my blogging; the approach of April means tax preparation at home, budget preparation at work, and the opening of baseball season.) Among the great points the article makes is the improved safety for bicyclists as the number of pedalers increases; and it credits the Cascade Cycling Club for its efforts to promote safe conduct by motorists and bicyclists.

Image: Mike Urban/Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Cyclists in Seattle, Washington.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is great! So informative! I just started commuting to work. I suppose I'm lucky to live in Chicago. Yay for the flat-midwest and many bike lanes. I'm from Seattle and since I'm a newbie I'd find all of the hills discouraging to commute in Seattle. Anyway, thanks for your blog. I'm going to link to it from my blog.
