Sunday, April 15, 2007

Oakland strives for greater bike friendliness

Image of bike shop sign in Oakland
From the Contra Costa Times (California), 04.13.07:
New plan aims to make city bike-friendly
Report calls for a safe network of 200 miles of pedal-friendly paths

The city has released an updated plan that promises to make Oakland a bicycle-friendly community in the mold of Davis, Palo Alto and Chicago by 2012.

"Bicycling would become part of daily life, providing transportation and recreation that is both safe and convenient," said Jason Patton of the transportation services division of the city's Public Works Agency.

Rockridge (neighborhhood of Oakland) resident and bike commuter Jerome Candelaria was encouraged to see enforcement of bicycling laws as part of the plan, but wanted it also applied to vehicle drivers.

"It's great to sensitize the police to go after bicycle offenders," he said, "but the corollary of that is not to allow drivers to disregard the rights of bicyclists." (Read more.)
Hats off to the great folks at the East Bay Bicycle Coalition for their relentless efforts. And a nod of strong agreement to Mr. Candelaria.

Image: Web capture. Bike shop sign in Oakland
Visit: East Bay Bicycle Coalition
Visit: Oakland Yellowjackets Bike Club
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips


  1. how i city do the same

    cheers to ya'll


  2. Hey Paul:

    I have been reading your blog for some time and think it's time I leave a note. I enjoy your writing, commentary and links. It feel good to find a like minded person.

    See you around.
