Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tri-City commuters to pump the pedals

More National Bike Month media coverage, this time originating from the great state of Washington. From the Tri-City Herald, 05.01.07:
Tri-City commuters to pump the pedals

The extra effort Shellie Feather of Kennewick puts into commuting to work by bike is worth the savings she'll get by avoiding the gas pump.

"The gas prices are outrageous," she said. "It is nice to have alternative means to get to work so you're not committed to spending that gas money."

Bicycle advocates hope to cash in on the recent spike in gas prices -- now exceeding $3 a gallon -- by convincing more people to bike to work. Bike commuting also can help with losing weight and preparing for work or unwinding from it.

"It is a great way to get your day started and ended," said Dave Espinosa-Aguilar, a software engineer for the city of Richland.

(Becky Driscoll with Kennewick's REI) said she wants to expand the challenge into a community-wide event. "Getting more people out of their vehicles and onto their bikes would make them happier and healthier," she said.

She said any bike would do. She said one unemployed man purchased a $15 bike and rode it to apply for and be interviewed for jobs. He ended the month healthier and employed, she said. (Read more.)
Rising gas prices will certainly lead some people to investigate bicycle commuting. Unfortunately, as researchers from my employer discovered: "Gas prices hardly affect demand: UC Davis survey says pump costs have to soar a lot before Americans change driving habits."

Image: Web capture. This image has nothing to do with the story. But I like dogs, bikes, Europe, and sweets. So there.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips


  1. The first Friday in May is No Pants Day. Thought some musings about what might have been the original "no pants day" Friday May 6, 1888 might be appropriate.

    http://www.healthebike.com/blog for a tale about perhaps the first day a woman took off her pants, put on a dress and became the woman she always dreamed she could be (on a bicycle).

  2. Gasoline usage is, well, growing more slowly than in the past, so price does have some impact on consumption. Most people consider driving to be essential and will cut back in almost every other area first.
