Sunday, August 12, 2007

No belt, no bra, no pants?

Image of bicycle commuters in Portland, OregonFrom the Oregonian, 08.07.07:
No belt, no bra, no pants? You're in good company
Stores see bike commuters coping with a common equipment failure: forgotten clothing

Todd Brugger usually forgets his belt on the day he's packed a pair of pants missing a button. But the financial analyst for Northwest Permanente who jogs or bikes to work has a quick fix.

He staples his pants closed.

Most folks take a more obvious approach, darting to department stores, discounters or second-hand shops for socks, underwear, bras, shirts or pants.

Forgetting is a natural part of bike or foot commuting, enthusiasts say. So it stands to reason that Portland--the nation's most bike-commuter-populated city--has its fair share of shoot-I-forgot-it shoppers.

Scott Bricker, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance's executive director, stashes back-up suits in his office, yet occasionally overlooks socks. He doesn't sweat buying a new pair.

"If you're not paying for parking or gas," he said, "spending $10 for some socks isn't the worst thing in the world." (Read more.)
This forgotten garment dilemma is one reason why yours truly--a middle-aged and forgetful bicycle commuter--rides train/bike to work fully dressed for work, and changes into shorts for 17-mile ride home at end of day.

Image: Web capture.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips


  1. It's been probably about a year since I've forgotten things, but I can definitely relate!

    I've never stapled my pants, but I have used tape to hold my pants up when I've forgotten the belt.

  2. I have a stash in my filing cabinet. Socks, underpants, dockers and a polo shirt. A little on the casual side, but it's nice to know I have a spare "everything" locked up in my cubicle in case I forget something. I always leave a dedicated pair of business-casual dress shoes at work. The most common item fetched out of the drawer? Socks. I can't stand riding in dress socks, and for some reason I have trouble to remember packing them for my trip in to work.

    To avoid the "forgot two days in a row" phenomenon, I will leave my (slightly dirty) spare clothes at work until AFTER I bring the replacement garment(s) in the next day. Fortunately, I haven't been caught wearing the same shirt two days in a row... yet...

  3. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Forgetting the belt isn't so bad--it's when you forget the underwear that it's an unpleasant day.

  4. If they only knew how often I wasn't wearing underwear...

  5. (But the bra? You don't want me riding without it...)

  6. One of the perks of being a nude model: never forget my clothes. But on days when I'm working at the coffee shop, I keep a sharpie in my panniers so that if I forget any one article of clothing, I can draw it on.

  7. I've forgotten the bra before. I ride to work in my dress slacks, but I sweat up top enough to have to change my shirt and bra when I get to work... having to spend the entire day in that sweaty sports bra was one of the most uncomfortable things ever.

  8. It's happened to me on several occasions. I need keep stock at the office. But I have to admit that I sometimes enjoy the liberation of forgetting my undies.

  9. For those who ride in bike shorts and forget your undies: Do you wear the chamois all day? Or do you go commando?

  10. Commando for me all the way!

  11. being a 'low-slung' jean wearer, i constantly forget one of the most important items i need to avoid being arrested... a belt.

    after having to use a piece of string on two occasions (and living in fear my amateur knot would fail), i've become an massive advocate of american apparel.

    all the basics you need! and thanks to the other side of the pond!

  12. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The most problematic thing that I forget is shoes. I keep a couple pair under my desk but they are dress shoes since those are the most awkward to forget. Yesterday that meant I wore jeans, a polo shirt, and black heels. I forget underwear a lot. I sometimes enjoy that too. :)
    But I'd never wear the chamois all day :P
    We have lots of bike commuters in our office and every once in a while you'll see someone spandexed-out all day. Yippee for a 'casual work environment'!

  13. i keep 3 pants, 3 shirts, 1 belt and conservative loafers. that's 9 combinations which lasts me 2 weeks. i keep them all in one drawer of my desk i emptied just for wardrobe and wash up stuff. as for undies, i'm commando every day -- one less thing to think about. sock, i stash a fresh pair in my bag every day. got it down to a science!
