Monday, August 06, 2007

Pittsburgh: Wheels (slowly) in motion for bicyclists

From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 08.06.07:
City puts wheels in motion to help cyclists

Planners will discuss the findings of an independent study of (the Pittsburgh neighborhood of) Oakland, conducted by Cornell University researchers. The study concluded that Pittsburgh is ideal for a large bicycling population, in part because of its many colleges, but the city needs a comprehensive bike network to make cycling safe and convenient.

Joanna Doven, spokeswoman for Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, said the city will hire a full-time bike and pedestrian coordinator early next year. That person would secure money, conduct studies and improve safety and infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists in the city.

Scott Bricker, executive director of Bike Pittsburgh--a nonprofit working to make the city safer for cyclists--said recently painted shared traffic and bike lane markings have helped make conditions safer along Liberty Avenue through Bloomfield and Lawrenceville.

He rides through Oakland from his home in Friendship to Bike Pittsburgh's offices in the South Side. He doesn't know how many cyclists travel in or through Oakland, but said the number appears to be increasing.

"I find it intimidating, and I'm an everyday rider," Bricker said. "The perception is, it's not very safe or welcoming for cyclists." (Read more.)
Progress appears to be slow going in Pittsburgh, with no dedicated bicycling staff on the city payroll and no funding at present. That will change.

Image: Web capture. Bike graffiti in Pittsburgh.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips


  1. Bikes are an empty campaign promise. Only a sucker will think that it will change if the same folks are still in charge.

    There is no money to hire anyone. Many more are going to need to be fired.

  2. Nice picture. Where'd you get it? I seem to have seen one just like it somewhere.

  3. My recent visit there included sightings of "fakengers" (fake bicycle messengers).
