Sunday, January 06, 2008

Marin: 66 percent increase in bicycling

Image of bicyclist in Sausalito
From the Marin Independent-Journal, 01.06.08:
A county study shows more people are rolling around on bikes these days. As part of Marin's $25 million federal pilot bike plan, the county took a count of local bicycle and pedestrian trips to create a baseline from which to judge the program.

Overall, there has been a 66 percent increase in weekday commute-hour bicycle traffic and a 33 percent rise in weekend riding, when compared with a similar count conducted in 1999.

"These are encouraging statistics," Supervisor Steve Kinsey said. "They indicate that our priority focus and associated investments are improving biking and walking in our county."

"This upsurge in biking and walking shows that giving people safe alternatives to the car can work in reducing auto trips and congestion," Supervisor Charles McGlashan said. "The automobile is not always the trip of choice when people see safe and readily available alternatives." (Read more.)
Marin County is one of four communities in the country awarded a $25 million Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program grant, passed by Congress in July 2005. (The other communities are Sheboygan County, Wisconsin; Columbia, Missouri; and Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.) More evidence that bicycling infrastructure makes a difference. Kudos to the advocacy efforts of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition.

Image: Web capture. Bicyclist in Sausalito, California
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy for improved facilities, but I wonder how much higher gasoline costs might have to do with the increased bike usage. Facility improvements in the Bay Area have been mostly incremental, but my unscientific observation is that bike commuters have probably increased by a similar number. Not only that, they've stayed high through the dark and rainy winter which is something I've never seen before.
