Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stay flexibile during winter cycling

Image of snowy bicycle
From the Windsor Star (Canada), 01.30.08:
It warmed my heart to see that during the last week of sub zero temperatures there were an impressive number of cyclists pedaling in the predawn frost. I passed several on Giles and a couple more going south on McDougall.

What impressed me most about them was that they were not fitness enthusiasts out for a training ride but mere mortals making their way to work. And their numbers are growing.

Fitness professionals tell you to engage in thirty minutes of vigorous exercise daily. Committing to your exercise program by commuting to and from work is an excellent way to accomplish this. But there are preparations you must make before you grease up that beater of a bike you've had hanging in the garage collecting dust. You must become riding fit. (Read more.)
Interesting column from a personal trainer in Canada, featuring several useful conditioning suggestions for bike commuters in cold weather areas. As Bike Commute Tips Blog reader Bruce McLeod of New Jersey suggested in a recent communication, stretching is a critical activity. Especially as cyclists age. The aging Baby Boom generation--such as myself--is embracing bike commuting. Maintaining flexibility is a greater challenge the older we get. Stretch!

Image: Web capture.
Visit: Winter Wonderland on Two Wheels, The Ecopolitan
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site

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