Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Chicago: Commuter Challege promotes bicycling

Michael Burton heads to day care with his 18-month-old son in tow. Then it’s off to work.
From the Chicago Sun-Times, 04.07.08:
Push is on to bike to work
Businesses, organizations can sign up for 'Commuter Challenge'

The hardest thing about biking to work might be getting up the nerve to try it. It could be easier than you think.

"There's a level of discomfort in riding in traffic for some people," said Melody Geraci of the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation. "It's just a matter of trying it once or twice and finding a level of confidence."

Sign-up begins today for the Bicycle Federation's "Commuter Challenge" for Bike to Work Week June 7-13. Businesses and organizations compete to see who can get the most workers on their bikes...

Every morning, (Michael) Burton puts his 18-month-old son, Miguel Kilgore, into a bike trailer and takes him to day care. Then Burton rides to his job. In the afternoon, Burton's wife, Gin Kilgore, bikes from her job at Mitchell Elementary School in Ukrainian Village to pick up Miguel. They don't own a car, which helped them to save enough money to buy a three-flat.

"Some of our friends who own cars said, 'Once you have a kid, you can't do this,' " Burton said. But he sees owning a car as a bigger hassle than riding bikes. "I think it's like any form of transportation," said Burton. "Once you figure it out, it's what you do." (Read more.)
Inspirational article from Chicago, featuring encouraging comments from the Chicagoland Bicycle Federation, as well as several testimonials from local bike commuters. Very encouraging.

Image: Chicago Sun-Times. Michael Burton heads to day care with his 18-month-old son in tow.
Visit: Is Chicago bike-friendly?, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Chicago: winter bicycling grows in popularity, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Bob Fuller Roadside Memorials, PSA from Chicagoland Bicycle Federation
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site
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1 comment:

  1. This be so kewl :) I just linked to here and there are so many Illinois references! Peopel will feel like this commuting by bike thing is the done thing!
