Saturday, April 19, 2008

Escondido plans for more bicycles

From the North County Times (San Diego, CA), 04.19.08:
Escondido: New plan would triple the city's bike lanes
Goal is encouraging people to commute ---- without cars

Aiming to encourage more people to ride bicycles to work and school, city officials and a consultant have nearly completed a plan to triple the number of bike lanes in Escondido.

Studies indicate that roughly 3,500 of the city's 144,000 residents would ride their bikes to work or school if the city implements all the projects in the plan. The plan recommends expanding the city's bike lanes from 33 miles to 106 miles. City officials estimate that fewer than 2,000 residents use bicycles to commute.

The plan would be designed to improve safety by creating new bike lanes that are separated from traffic by painted lines in the street, connecting some of the most popular existing routes more effectively, and launching a citywide education campaign...

The city previously updated its master plan in 1993, so another revision was long overdue. State and federal agencies give preference for grant money to cities that update their plans frequently, because the projects requested by those cities are based on more current traffic patterns. (Read more.)
While Escondido has grown significantly in the past 15 years, its bicycling infrastructure hasn't. Pushed by the advocates in the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition, the San Diego county community is finally moving to better serve cyclists.

Image: North County Times.
Visit: San Diego Bike Advocate Interviewed, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site
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