Sunday, April 13, 2008

LA: Bikeway, not highway

Image of bicyclist at Los Angeles Metro station
From the Daily Breeze (Torrance, CA), 04.13.08:
My way or the highway? Try the bikeway
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa earlier this year urged city residents to take public transportation to work in a bid to fight soaring gas prices and reduce traffic congestion. Though I don't live in the city of L.A., I felt that if the mayor could get to work on public transit once in a while, so could I.

Actually, I had been thinking about this ever since Redondo Beach completed its new bike route through the northern part of the city in December. That 2.8-mile path links the Metro Green Line station on Marine Avenue with 190th Street. As someone who lives close to the eastern end of the Green Line, I figured the combination of bike and light rail would offer a viable alternative to commuting to work by car.

All told, it took about an hour and a half to complete the 21-mile commute. Normally, it takes about an hour to make the trip by car on busy weekday mornings. I figured I could shorten the 90-minute ride somewhat with additional conditioning.

My legs were a little wobbly as I headed to my desk, but the exercise made me more alert than usual. I had a feeling of independence knowing that it was possible to sometimes get around the L.A. region without having to take a 2,300-pound machine with you. (Read more.)
Personal account of a newspaper editor who attempts a "carbon-reduced commute" in Los Angeles, taking advantage of the region's recent expansions in transit service and bike path infrastructure.

Image: Web capture.
Visit: Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
Visit: Bicycling hazardous in Los Angeles, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Bicycling "arrives" in car-crazy Los Angeles, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site
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  1. Anonymous5:51 AM

    The fallout for decades of subsidizing sprawl will make the needed transition quite difficult. Will Americans do it with pride and positive attittudes or will they be forced by the fangs of higher prices and daily bickering?

  2. Although his commute using public transit and bike is about 50% longer, his commute might be considered useful time. Time on the bus, for example, could be spent reading or relaxing or even working if he's inclined to do so.
