Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Omaha: New map inspires cyclists

Detail of new Omaha bicycling map
From the Omaha World Herald, 04.21.08:
New bike map may push people to ride more
Maybe it is eye-popping gas prices or that flab around your middle that has you thinking about dusting off the old 10-speed in the garage. In either case, Omaha's first bike route map is intended to help you get where you need to go.

Activate Omaha, a nonprofit community health group, developed the map to get more people exercising and commuting by bike. "If there are people thinking about gas prices and their health, this is a tool they can use to take that next step," said Tammie Dodge, the organization's project manager...

The new map--just as ski slopes are marked for their difficulty--color-codes streets based on their traffic levels, space for cyclists and other factors. For example, Dodge Street and sections of 72nd and 90th Streets are among those cyclists shouldn't consider. Neighborhood streets are the best and provide the backbone of the routes. The map also notes the Keystone Trail and other specialized, paved paths. (Read more.)
Bike route maps are very useful tools for new and experienced bike commuters in any community. This Omaha map sounds very encouraging for a city not known for bike commuting.

There are also promising developments with online bike route maps, such as Bikely and the petition drive to persuade Google Maps to include bicycling at GoogleMapsBikeThere.org.

Image: ActivateOmaha.org.
Visit: Omaha's making room for bicyclists, Omaha World Herald
Visit: Where's the bike route, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site
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