Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bike to Work 2008 garners big press

Communities all over the U.S. celebrated Bike to Work Day last week, and fuel price refugees and bicycling enthusiasts turned out in apparent great numbers. In San Francisco, for instance, city traffic officials counted twice as many bikes (812) as cars (403) were counted Market Street at Van Ness Avenue from 8 to 9 a.m. Bicyclists frequently outnumber vehicles on Market Street, but this year's BTWD turnout was very impressive.

Journalists and other content providers couldn't help but notice the increase in bicycling. Stories have appeared in countless outlets, too numerous to detail. So here's a summary, by my subjective categorization:

Bike Advocates Celebrate and Speak Out
- May 16 is Bike to Work Day, Democracy Now
- San Francisco Celebrates its 14th Annual Bike to Work Day, Voice of America
- National Bike-to-Work Day set Friday, Fairfield Ledger (Fairfield, IA)
- Chico: bike-friendly, bike-dedicated, Enterprise-Record (Chico, CA)
- With gas rising towards $4, bikers hoping for a boom, Boston Globe
- More cyclists commuting to work, WLS-TV (Chicago, IL)
- Campus Commuters Turning to Bicycling, Daily Californian (Berkeley)

High Gas Prices Increase Appeal of Bicycles
- High Gas Prices Aren't Creating More Bikers, RedOrbit.com (Dallas)
- Forget gas prices, ride a bike, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, CA)
- Pedal past the pumps: A new attitude--biking around town, Chico Enterprise-Record (Chico, CA)
- Fuel prices increase; so do bicycles, Homer News (Homer, AK)
- Commuting by bike to save gas, KTKA-TV (Topeka, KS)
- Bike Sales Up As Pain At The Pump Increases, WHAG-TV (Hagerstown, MD)

Enthusiastic Bicyclists Praise Pedaling
- She's got a ticket to ride--to work, San Jose Mercury News
- More people are biking to work, Canton Repository (Canton, OH)
- Orem family uses bikes to get around, Orem Herald (Provo, UT)
- Two-Wheeled Warriors, Nantucket Independendent (MA)
- A bicycle built for you, Delmarva Daily Times (MD)
- On a bike for two years, through sun, snow and trouble, and no good reason to stop, Pioneer Press (St. Paul, MN)
- How to share the road: A guide for cyclists, drivers, Seattle Times
- Biking to work lures aficionados, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Cities Struggle to Improve Conditions for Bicycling
- Area cyclists ask for better ways to ride rails, buses, Houston Chronicle
- We Need To Do More To Become "Bicycle-Friendly", Hartford Courant (CT)
- Build a better future and have some fun during Bike Month, San Jose Mercury News
- Bike to Work Day gaining strength in Norman, NewsOK.com (Oklahoma City, OK)
- Bike to Work Day observed, Toledo Free Press

Advice Offered to Prospective Bicyclists
- Embrace biking to work, Sheboygan Press (Sheboygan, WI)
- Pedal Prudence, Altoona Mirror (Altoona, PA)
- Five Ways To Make Bike Commuting Easy, Wired.com
- Reasons to ride, Huntington Herald-Dispatch (WV)

Bike Commuting Spreads the Joy
- Bike to Work Day is first for county, Baltimore Sun
- Bikes rule, planet cools, Baltimore Sun

Video: StreetFilms.org.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site


  1. Nice roundup. I feel like BTWD is the one day of the year where anyone says, "Thanks for riding your bike." Unfortunately, most places in the US, being on a bike makes you feel like a second class citizen, and stepping out the door and into the saddle is like going into battle.

  2. I think cycling got *lots* more coverage this year.

    We're still an extremely small minority and thus a "special interest group," but recent cultural and economic trends seem to have changed the perceptions and perspectives a bit.
