Saturday, June 07, 2008

Colorado Springs: Praying for $10 gal. gas

From the Colorado Springs Gazette, 06.06.08:
Cyclists push for bike-friendly city
Al Brody is praying for $10 a gallon gas. No, Al is not crazy. He's sane. He's bright. He seems like a nice guy.

But he's a diehard bicyclist and a tireless advocate for the two-wheeled community who thinks fundamental changes in the way we get from here to there won't occur until we face European-level gas prices. Brody's views are timely, since June is Bike Month in Colorado Springs.

Brody, chairman of the Pikes Peak Area Bike Coalition, has been working on bicycle issues for six years and has seen some movement in making Colorado Springs a place where people might actually be able to use a bike to commute to work. "Incrementally, at a glacial pace, we are getting there," he said this week. "I see progress, but not huge progress." (Read more.)
Interesting article from Colorado Springs, recently named as a Silver Level Bicycle Friendly Community. The article cites excise tax figures which show more new bicycles are sold in the county (El Paso, Colorado) than cars, which should support local efforts to encourage greater improvement.

As one might expect, the "praying for $10 a gallon gas" incited much vituperation from defensive motorists on the Gazette's comment page. Understanding that Colorado Springs is among other things, a hotbed of evangelical Christianity, this "praying" comment inspired a thought: Which do Americans worship more? Their "supreme being/creator" or their automobile?

Consider the total time most Americans dedicate to "God" (church attendance, scripture reading, praying) compared to the total time dedicated to the car (driving, fixing, fueling, cleaning, paying). Which is really more important? Which inspires greater anxiety, that there might not be a God, or that gas prices might exceed $10 a gallon?

Image: Yehuda Moon.
Visit: Traffic rules, room to ride contentious bike issues, Colorado Springs Gazette
Visit: Colorado Springs challenging for bicycling?, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site
Full disclaimer: I'm a long time, well, let's just say irreverent secular humanist. Though the miraculous 2004 World Series win by my beloved Boston Red Sox did inspire some brief reconsideration of my non-believer status.


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    $10? How about $15?

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I like your site. I don't understand the disparity towards Evangelical Christians. Are you sure you know the religion of every commuter?

    The only problem I as a bicycle commuter have with 10.00 a gallon gas is the economic effect it will have on those in the lower class. The rising cost of fuel will also raise the cost of cheaper foods, clothing, and household necessities.

    Still, it is nice riding past all the disgruntled motorists killing their paychecks so they can drive to work.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM


    Has anyone heard about “the Ride to Empower?” It seems like it might be a good deal and for a good cause, but I haven’t heard much about it.

    From what it sounds like, it is a getaway bike ride that takes place in California wine country along the same route that follows Lance Armstrong’s training for the Tour de France and is an all expenses paid trip. I guess the catch is that they want you to raise $4000 for their non-profit organization. But in my experience that isn’t much different from scheduling an expenses-paid bike trip through a travel agent.

    The non-profit also seems legit. It is for the Breast Cancer Network of Strength who also puts on the Walk to Empower on Mother’s day. I found out about the ride at

    Has anyone done this ride before, or does anyone have any information on this event?
