Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Sacramento: Bicycling gaining big

Image of bicyclist in Sacramento
From the Sacramento Bee, 06.04.08:
Bicycling in region rolls up big gains
For years, cycling advocates have been trying with limited success to spread the word that the bicycle was one answer to many of our commuting headaches. People caught on, but no one was suggesting that old-fashioned pedal power had transformed the landscape.

This year, it's different. Unprecedented gas prices and a host of other variables, including the temporary closure of Interstate 5, mainstream awareness of our carbon footprint, ever-increasing emphasis on fitness and newfound support from employers, have created a groundswell of bicycle commuting in the Sacramento area.

What might come of it remains to be seen. Tuesday, the second full commuting day of the I-5 closure, found cyclists of all kinds going to and from work. It seemed practically European out there. (Read more.)
Great article by the Sacramento Bee's bicycle commuting journalist Blair Anthony Robertson.

In a state with three hugely charismatic shining cities--Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego (sorry San Jose, you're a great city, but...)--it's easy to overlook Sacramento. But in bicycling terms, Sacramento matters, big time. Here's why.

Sacramento is, of course, the capital of California, the sixth largest economy in the world. It's a company town, and the company is state government. Decisions are made in Sacramento about the allocation of billions of dollars in public resources. And the decision makers are not the transient legislators or our commuting Gubernator, but legislative analysts, agency directors, policy directors, planners, bureaucrats, journalists, lobbyists, and other assorted state government functionaries.

These are the permanent Sacramento residents who actually shape the state's policy. And where California leads, generally the nation and often the world follow. Bicycling enhancements in Sacramento are observed by, lived by, traveled on, enjoyed by, and inspired by these folks, who determine California's transportation, health, environment, and education policies.

The Big Tomato is still a city where motoring dominates. But it is also an outstanding and under-appreciated bicycling city--already among the Top 10 in the U.S and a bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community. And it can only be a good thing when bicycling flourishes in Sacramento.

Image: Sacramento Bee.
Visit: Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates
Visit: Sacramento logs a million plus, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Sacramento celebrates bicycling, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Sacramento: Cycle City?, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Biking Journalist: Interview with Blair Robertson, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Hi Paul. Just finishing my second week of bike commuting and have really found your site and links therefrom helpful. Thanks alot!

