Saturday, June 21, 2008

Toronto: Cycling and the cinema

Image of Critical Mass in Toronto
From the National Post (Toronto, Ontario) 06.21.08:
Q & A with Celeste Koon: Cycling and the cinema
(National Post): Do you take an interest in cycling as less of a physical activity and more of a community-based form of environmental and social activism?

(Celeste Koon): I am interested in cycling in so many different ways! Not only are cyclists a whole community on their own, but cycling itself is all about exploration of communities. On a bike, you are not restricted to highways and major roadways, so you can discover the city’s little pockets, from the more obvious Annex and Kensington Market to discovering the best gelato in Little Italy or riding through a street celebration in Little India.

The cycling community is a united force with similar ideals for a more sustainable and livable future. Toronto is a young city — its history is now, and we are part of it. The doc (Pedal Power: Critical Mass Toronto) is deeply concerned with the structuring of a more sustainable and communal Toronto. We are living in an era where positive change is an achievable goal, and Pedal Power shows that a sustainable future will be a beautiful one.

And of course, cycling is a great form of physical activity that keeps your blood pumping and gives you a sense of adventure. (Read more.)
Interview with young Toronto filmmaker Celeste Koon, who presented her new film Pedal Power: Critical Mass Toronto at this weekend's Bicycle Film Festival.

In a post a couple years ago, The unbearable dearth of cinematic cycling, I lamented the lack of bicycle presence in mainstream media, especially films. Thanks to record fuel prices, that is starting to change as news media discover the latent demand for bicycling. And the internet provides an opportunity to represent our side of the traffic and cultural equation, as with the fantastic work of the talented folks at

Winning respect for bicycling requires more than painted stripes on pavement. Greater numbers of bicyclists are helping to increase respect on the street. And greater presence in the cultural discourse is also necessary. It's encouraging to see young filmmakers making a contribution to bicycling.

Image: Web Capture. Toronto Critical Mass.
Visit: The unbearable dearth of cinematic cycling, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Bicycling against car culture, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Zen and the Art of Bike Commuting, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site

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