Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bike to Work Guide Available Soon

Cover of Bike to Work Guide, by Paul Dorn and Roni Sarig

My publisher, Adams Media, contacted me this week to inform me that marketing had begun for the book project that kept me busy much of the summer.

The Bike to Work Guide: What You Need to Know to Save Gas, Go Green, Get Fit will ship in November, be in stores by December, and be on sale everywhere by January. It's now available for "pre-order" on and elsewhere. Affordably priced at only $7.95, the Bike to Work Guide offers a lot of helpful information to those considering commuting by bicycle.

This book owes a great debt to readers of this blog and my Bike Commuting Tips website. Your comments, questions, suggestions, and criticism have informed my understanding of bicycles for transportation. I am very grateful for your comments and messages. Please continue to respond to my site and blog; your comments are hugely appreciated.

Clearly, more people are considering bicycle commuting these days. My book is only one newly available resource responding to this new interest and demand. (My site and blog have encouraged commuting by bicycle for more than 10 years.) Another exciting new book project, Bike to Work, by Tim Grahl of and Carlton Reid of, will also appear this fall. It seems that 2009 will be a promising year for the growth of bicycle commuting.

Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Congratulations. Sedentary lifestyles are becoming financial armageddons and hopefully your book can help to create new paths for millions as they strive for more livable, less expensive and healthier lifestyles.
    All will benefit from these wiser decisions.

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Ran into a couple of folks who are following my example and biking to work, little more than a year after I started.

    They have the same reaction -- after 30 trips, with the muscles no longer sore and the route down pat, they wouldn't do anything else, and wished they had done it years ago.

    All it takes is the belief that it is possible, some advice to figure out how to make it possible and getting over that hump.

    So next spring, I'll suggest your book.

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Great news! Will it be available by eBook as well for those of us that try to avoid books on paper?

    - Julie
