Saturday, November 01, 2008

Cycling up 35% in NYC

Bicycle commuter in New York City
From the New York City Department of Transportation:
DOT announces 35% increase in commuter cycling from 2007 to 2008
The New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) (on October 30) announced findings showing that commuter bicycling in New York City has increased an unprecedented 35% between 2007-2008. Cycling levels in the City have doubled during the last six years. With increasing numbers of cyclists on the streets and Daylight Saving Time ending this weekend, DOT will also distribute over 1,500 bicycle lights over the next few days, to help keep New York's ever-growing legion of cyclists more visible. Drivers are reminded to be aware of cyclists and share the road safely with them.

"This unprecedented increase shows we are well on the way toward our goal of doubling the number of bike commuters," said Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan. "As these numbers rise, cyclists should take all safety precautions, while drivers must be vigilant when sharing our streets with this growing population."

This growth in cycling follows two years of DOT efforts to rapidly expand and improve New York's bicycle network. DOT added 140 miles of new bicycle routes to the on-street bicycle network in 2007 and 2008. (Read more.)
It's hard not to be impressed by New York City's great strides to transform and humanize its streetscape, pushed by the effective advocacy of Transportation Alternatives, StreetsBlog, TimesUp!, and many others. In recent years this advocacy has happily met visionary leadership in city government, including from a DOT agency chief hailed as a "cycling radical". Watch the inspiring recent interview with NYC DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan at StreetFilms and just imagine if your local transportation agency leadership had such vision. Or imagine such leadership in Washington DC.

There are certainly diverse factors contributing to the surge in bicycle commuting in NYC, including fuel prices and economic distress. But clearly infrastructure has made a difference. New York City is reaping significant dividends from its investment in bicycle-friendly infrastructure--bike lanes, bike parking, bicycle access on transit. NYC offers a model to other cities seeking to provide transportation choice, reduce environmental impacts, improve community life, and enhance public health.

Image: Web capture.
Visit: NYC Becomes More Bike-Friendly, The Epoch Times
Visit: NYC Bike Counts Jump 35 Percent, StreetsBlog
Visit: Commuter Cycling Is Soaring, City Says, New York Times
Visit: Commuter cycling soars in NYC,
Visit: Streetfilms: A Conversation With Janette Sadik-Khan, StreetsBlog
Visit: Bronx borough president Adolfo CarriĆ³n promoting bicycle use, New York Daily News
Visit: Washington Post on NYC cycling, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: More bicyclists in NYC, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Brooklyn: Bike lanes save lives, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site


  1. This is really encouraging. Hopefully this encourages more cities to adopt this model :)

