Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Catching up on recent bicycling news

From the Ann Arbor News, 02.05.07:
Infrastructure alone won't lure bicyclists

The city's vision, as stated in the report, is "to establish a physical and cultural environment that supports and encourages safe, comfortable and convenient ways for pedestrians and bicyclists to move throughout the city and into the surrounding communities.'' The ultimate goal? A city with "individuals freely choosing alternative transportation modes (walking, bicycling, mass transit, etc.), which will lead to healthier lifestyles, improved air and water quality and a safer, more sustainable transportation system."(Read more.)
The issue in Ann Arbor seems to be safety. Many prospective bicyclists are fearful of traffic, and infrastructural improvements are proposed as a solution. This will certainly help. But as the article's title suggests, infrastructure is only part of the solution.

From the Honolulu Star Bulletin, 02.05.07:
Transit factors into plan for bikes
The city revamps a 9-year-old effort to improve commutes for cyclists islandwide

Not much has been done with the current (Honolulu) bike plan, but on this issue, residents are leading the way and forcing the city to act. In November, voters overwhelmingly approved an amendment to the City Charter that would make it a priority for Honolulu to be a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly city. (Read more.)
In warm Hawaii--even while many of us shiver elsewhere this February--the planning emphasis appears to be on improving intermodal access for bicyclists. Intermodal commuting has also been a topic recently at Cleantech Blog and WorldChanging.

From the VC Reporter (Ventura County, CA), 02.01.07:
The constant cyclist
Improving health and the environment are two reasons some locals use pedal power everyday

Ventura is seeing a new breed of bicyclist lately. Not just the occasional pedal pusher or weekend jock, these folks are everyday commuters who prefer to bike instead of drive everywhere — to market, to work and even to entertainment and social events. They prefer to use bicycles for a combination of reasons, including concern for the environment, desire for personal fitness and wanting to escape the cost of driving a vehicle. (Read more.)

Image: Bicyclists in Hawaii, in shorts. Lucky cyclists.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site

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