Monday, February 12, 2007

Cold weather doesn't stop bike commuters

Image of winter cyclists in Boulder, Colorado
From the Campus Press (Boulder, CO), 02.12.07:
Despite snow and slush, bikers push through
Winter weather no obstacle for some with the right gear

Ryan Cheney, a Full Cycle employee, hopped on his bike for the commute to Boulder, only to find two popped tires. The weather stopped his ride.

Winter difficulties include terrible road conditions and chilling temperatures. However, setbacks have not stopped the Boulder residents who depend on biking for transportation.

"Boulder does a lot for bikers, plowing roads and keeping them in good condition," said Peter Roper, transportation program manager for (Colorado University). (Read more.)
As a former resident of Davis, California, I'm proud of that city's status as the only platinum-level winner in the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Community Program. However, after reading this article about cyclists in Boulder--perhaps Davis' closest rival for supremacy as the premier U.S. bike town--I have to tip my helmet to Colorado's hardy cyclists. Slush? Road salt? Not part of the cycling environment in Davis.

Image: Colorado University student unlocks her bike.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site


  1. Well, as a current resident of Davis, I appreciate that some people in Boulder might have a rough time in the Winter. But they can always bundle up, as I used to do in the DC area and in Boston. But the trick in Davis is commuting in the summer. This summer I rode home one afternoon when it was 115. And that is the temperature in the shade. On my ride home, there is not a lot of shade and who knows what the temperature was in the blistering sun. And in the summer one cannot just do the reverse of bundling up ... so I think commuting in Davis can be worse than Boulder.

  2. I moved to California from not far from Boulder. I now have a couple of boxes of winter cycling gear that I no longer need. The year-round mild weather in the Bay Area is a real treat.
