Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bike travel not just for workday commuting

Image of bike with crocquet mallets in Sacramento's McKinley ParkIn my Bike Commute Tips site, I have a page "Beyond Commuting." There I wrote:
Expect to experience some sore muscles when you first start bike commuting. Eventually you'll gain strength, improve your balance, enhance your breathing, lower your blood pressure, reduce your resting pulse rate, sleep better, and on and on. In short, your fitness will improve, simply by commuting to and from work everyday on a bicycle.

When the weekend comes along, what are you going to do? Plop your hard-earned vitality in front of a television or something? Of course not! Get out there and bicycle some more! Recruit a friend to cycling. Find a local cycling club. Take a ride out in the country. Pack along a picnic lunch and a camera and explore your world. (Read more.)
Bike travel works for weekend activities too! Shop and play with your bike, or check out a local baseball game. Have fun getting to your fun.

Image: Paul Dorn. Bike with crocquet mallets in Sacramento's McKinley Park.
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips

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