Sunday, April 29, 2007

In praise of trees, part deux

Image of shaded bike lane on Sacramento's E StreetShade is a valuable amenity for bike commuters. Especially in seasonally warm areas like Sacramento, California. Don't let tree-hating traffic engineers remove your shade trees to speed up traffic.

Image: Paul Dorn. Shaded bike lane on E Street in Sacramento
Visit: Research: trees make streets safer, not deadlier, New Urban News
Visit: Trees Make Streets Safer, Raise the Hammer Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips


  1. Gosh, that's a really nice door zone bike lane there, Paul. It appears that the street is lightly traveled with a wide lane, so the paint stripe is redundant at best, and promotes hazardous riding practices at worst.

  2. Hi guys, I think we're looking at this line the wrong way. The words "Bike Lane" are just beginning to blur into the words "Door Zone". The line is a reminder how far out you need to ride ;-).

  3. I hadn't thought of it that way. Maybe it was a mistake. "Bike Lane" could have been stenciled to the left of that white line!

  4. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Ah, omens of the exceedingly rare Dana Laird scenario. Favorite straw man of the bike ed crowd. Why would any skilled "vehicular cyclist" prefer to ride on a shady traffic-calmed street like the one pictured, when they could ride on a great street like this one? Down with bike lanes! Missing the forest for the trees, eh?

  5. Snake Bite has a good image of this -- bicycle highways with a car lane.
