Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ambassadors and bicycling

Image of bicyclist directional sign in Germany
From the PRNewswire, 03.18.08:
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Washington, DC are pleased to announce their new partnership. As part of a joint initiative, they will promote bicycling as healthy, environmentally sustainable means of recreation and transportation in the Washington, DC area. On Saturday, April 12th, the German Embassy will host WABA's Annual Gala and Benefit Auction, an event which raises funds for WABA's bicycle safety and education programs throughout the year.

"Having the German Embassy host WABA's annual event allows us to work together in promoting our shared interests in recreational and competitive cycling, affordable and alternate transportation choices, and environmental sustainability," said Eric Gilliland, WABA's Executive Director.

"Germany is a country of bikers. On average, every German cycles .62 miles per day, which adds up to over 18 billion miles each year. That means Germans save almost 800 million gallons of gasoline per year," said Dr. Georg Schulze Zumkley, Deputy Director of the German Information Center USA (GIC) at the German Embassy. He added: "Germany supports the use of the 'zero emissions vehicle' to help fight climate change. To Germany, this is a matter of global responsibility; as a global leader in renewable energies, Germany promotes innovative approaches to preserve our planet for future generations. Cycling is healthy, it's fun--and it's smart." (Read more.)
Congratulations to WABA for this prominent partnership. In other diplomatic news, the American ambassador to Denmark has spent part of the past two years bicycling around getting to know the Danes. He calls it the ReDiscovery Bike Tour; even has a special promotional coin.

On the sad fifth anniversary of a hideous and criminal war for oil, there is certainly greater need for both diplomacy and bicycling.

Image: Web capture.
Visit: An American Ambassador on a Bike, Copenhagen Bike Culture Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site
Thanks to Jack W. Painter for story suggestion.
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