Saturday, March 22, 2008

Urbana: Planning for bikes

Image of Champaign-Urbana Critical Mass
From the News-Gazette (Urbana, IL), 03.21.08:
Extensive bike plan proposed for Urbana
An extensive network of off-road paths, bicycle lanes and marked bike routes will be installed throughout Urbana over the next 15 years, under a proposed bicycle master plan headed to the city council. Urbana would spend $2.8 million over the next 10 years adding the bicycle facilities, most of that during the first five years.

The master plan is geared to making bicycling more convenient and safer for the casual adult cyclist, according to Alderman Brandon Bowersox, D-Ward 4. "A lot of people may not be hard-core cyclists, but they want a place where they feel comfortable riding a bicycle," he said. "We want them to have a safe place to ride."

A key goal of the plan is to increase by 50 percent the number of bicycle trips made by residents. Currently, bicycle use makes up 8 percent of all trips made in Urbana. That's a fairly high percentage, Bowersox said, especially considering that Urbana has neglected its on-street bicycle facilities over the years. "Urbana already has more people bicycling to work than many other cities, like Madison, Wis., which are well known for bicycling," he said. (Read more.)
Encouraging news from Illinois, sure to hearten former Urbana-Champaign resident Fritz, among others. The proposed $2.8 million over 10 years isn't much. But I suppose it's a start. Certainly this is better news for the region than the tragedy that struck the Urbana-Champaign bicycle community in 2006.

Image: kidmissile; Champaign-Urbana Critical Mass.
Visit: Urbana plans to improve infrastructure for bicycles, Daily Illini
Visit: City drafts new plan to increase bike routes, Daily Illini
Visit: Urbana-Champaign Bike Commute Blog
Visit:Champaign Plans for Bikes, Bike Commute Tips Blog
Visit: Paul Dorn's Bike Commuting Tips Site


  1. You have a good memory, Paul! That's good news indeed. Urbana's always been somewhat more "bike friendly" than it's twin city of Champaign. The University of Illinois sits more within Urbana than Champaign, also. Urbana has a much more liberal 'vibe' than Champaign.

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    that reminds me that my county/city Greenville, SC recently released their master plan of bike paths/trails/routes.

    we recently started holding the USA Cycling Championships, with the influence of George Hincapie's business and new home here.
